Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Way back in 2010, I had blogged that in our human form, lose of memory is an equivalent to his/her death. I was of the opinion that when our memory fails, we fail to lead a purposeful existence in the family/society and in such a situation, even though we do not die physically, existence of life is meaningless and hence its as good as death. 
On March 20th I lost a very respected elderly person in my family in his physical form. His last rites were performed yesterday and he was confined to flames. His physical absence is a huge vacuum in our lives. He always used to guide us and had a huge role in shaping our personality and our survival.
His memories last our life time. His situational and upright guidance will stay with us for long.
With that context, here is nuanced take on death....
Death of a person is directly proportional to the rightful, noble and positively impactful deeds he does in his lifetime. If there is very little of such things that a person does in his lifetime, his/her memories are short lived in others and therefore such persons fade away in our memories. However if there are persons who have impacted many lives positively, they continue to stay rooted in in all those living memories for their lifetime. If one day, for some medical reasons, our memories fail and we do not retain any remembrance, these noble persons and their deeds continue to be alive in many living persons due to their impactful deeds.
So, knowing that death is the ultimate truth that mother nature has to offer to all of us, it is the good deeds we do in our life which will ensure our liveability beyond our physical death.. That said, losing physical shape and being confined to the five elements one day is dwarfed by the strong remembrance of deeds in so many living memories.
I pray to the almighty god and mother nature to bless me with aspects that motivate me to perform such noble, positive deeds and impact living beings through which my memories in them live for ever.. at least within the realms of my family and friends...Let this be my dharma.

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